Board Certified Solutions in Appeals Nationwide

The Firm

The Scharf Appellate Group is headed by Board Certified Appellate attorney Erik W. Scharf and consists of Mr. Scharf and other appellate attorneys acting as of-counsel to the firm. The firm specializes in a taking and defending appeals to the federal Courts of Appeal nationwide, the U.S. Supreme Court, as well as the Florida Courts of Appeal. This includes taking and defending special writs brought in those courts. In addition, the firm and its attorneys, from time to time, provide assistance in the trial process ranging from writing dispositive motions, jury instructions and motions in limine, to participating in trials.

The core of what the firm does is advanced legal research and writing, regardless of the context. Mr. Scharf taught this, and appellate procedure, at a prominent, national law school for several years. Examples of appellate briefs authored by the firm’s attorneys can be found on this page. These examples are reflective of the firm’s emphasis on high quality research and writing. Also important to the appellate process is oral argument, and Mr. Scharf and the firms’ attorneys have argued in state and federal courts of appeal nationwide.